PURPOSE: rearrange sentence structure to fit SUN rules.
Grammar Rules
To make a word plural, type it in twice with no space in between. Example (things = thingthing) The exceptions are: (boys, sons, brothers, girls, daughters, sisters, children) These words have specific plurals and they are listed in the dictionary.
To make something possessive, type SHIFT 8 (the asterisk) then the space bar. This will put a dot on the upper right hand corner of the word.
All sentences must follow the following sentence structure:
Subject, Verb, Direct Object
Adjectives before the noun
Adverbs before the verb
Possessives before the thing they possess (ex. house of God is written as God’s house.)
All sentences must be no more than 7 symbols long. Exceptions are:
Words in front of a quotation that indicate who is speaking do not count. Ex: Jesus said, "I will go to your house today." This sentence is allowed because there is no more than 7 words inside the quotation. The words Jesus said do not count
Plurals count as one symbol (thingthing counts as one Symbol.)
When an English word has multiple meanings, only use the meaning that is taught when the word is introduced (the meaning that matches the symbol). For example, the word break is taught as "cutting into a whole." In English, the word break can also be used to mean, rest (take a break), disobey (break a law), etc. If you come across one of those other uses for break, use the real meaning of it (use rest or disobey) instead of break. Another example is the word "with." "I eat with a spoon" would be translated, "I eat use spoon."
Avoid starting a sentence with a conjunction like but or and. Use "if" only when a clear cause-effect relationship is expressed in the sentence.
Ordinal numbers are followed by a singular noun. Cardinal numbers are followed by a plural noun – EVEN if the number is 1. Example : "Third day" is written (three day). "Three days" is written (three dayday). "First day" is written (one day). "One day" is written (one dayday).
Similar concept for all/every. If you want to say "all day," you write "all day." If you want to say every day, you write "all dayday."
Only use question words in a question. For example, don’t say, "This is WHO he was talking about." Say instead, "This is person he talk."
Be careful of interpreting vs. translating. When you translate, you are only saying what the text said. Do not interpret or paraphrase. That is the pastor’s job.
Avoid using filler words (conjunctions, prepositions, articles) unless their absence changes the meaning of the sentence. For example "In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth." The words in blue are not needed. The word in red is needed in order for the reader to not think God turned the heavens into earth.
Rules for Creating New Symbols
When you come to a word that is not in the dictionary, try typing in synonyms to see if a similar word is in the dictionary.
If there are no synonyms and you need a new word, type it in English in your text.
Emely will create a new symbol and add it to the dictionary.
Once the new symbol is added to the dictionary, it will be posted in the News section to let you know that the word is now available.
PURPOSE: rearrange sentence structure to fit SUN rules.
Grammar Rules
To make a word plural, type it in twice with no space in between. Example (things = thingthing) The exceptions are: (boys, sons, brothers, girls, daughters, sisters, children) These words have specific plurals and they are listed in the dictionary.
To make something possessive, type SHIFT 8 (the asterisk) then the space bar. This will put a dot on the upper right hand corner of the word.
All sentences must follow the following sentence structure:
Subject, Verb, Direct Object
Adjectives before the noun
Adverbs before the verb
Possessives before the thing they possess (ex. house of God is written as God’s house.)
All sentences must be no more than 7 symbols long. Exceptions are:
Words in front of a quotation that indicate who is speaking do not count. Ex: Jesus said, "I will go to your house today." This sentence is allowed because there is no more than 7 words inside the quotation. The words Jesus said do not count
Plurals count as one symbol (thingthing counts as one Symbol.)
When an English word has multiple meanings, only use the meaning that is taught when the word is introduced (the meaning that matches the symbol). For example, the word break is taught as "cutting into a whole." In English, the word break can also be used to mean, rest (take a break), disobey (break a law), etc. If you come across one of those other uses for break, use the real meaning of it (use rest or disobey) instead of break. Another example is the word "with." "I eat with a spoon" would be translated, "I eat use spoon."
Avoid starting a sentence with a conjunction like but or and. Use "if" only when a clear cause-effect relationship is expressed in the sentence.
Ordinal numbers are followed by a singular noun. Cardinal numbers are followed by a plural noun – EVEN if the number is 1. Example : "Third day" is written (three day). "Three days" is written (three dayday). "First day" is written (one day). "One day" is written (one dayday).
Similar concept for all/every. If you want to say "all day," you write "all day." If you want to say every day, you write "all dayday."
Only use question words in a question. For example, don’t say, "This is WHO he was talking about." Say instead, "This is person he talk."
Be careful of interpreting vs. translating. When you translate, you are only saying what the text said. Do not interpret or paraphrase. That is the pastor’s job.
Avoid using filler words (conjunctions, prepositions, articles) unless their absence changes the meaning of the sentence. For example "In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth." The words in blue are not needed. The word in red is needed in order for the reader to not think God turned the heavens into earth.
Rules for Creating New Symbols
When you come to a word that is not in the dictionary, try typing in synonyms to see if a similar word is in the dictionary.
If there are no synonyms and you need a new word, type it in English in your text.
Emely will create a new symbol and add it to the dictionary.
Once the new symbol is added to the dictionary, it will be posted in the News section to let you know that the word is now available.