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Demo (Our Daily Bread - SUN)
Step 1: Read

Symbolic Universal Notation - Our Daily Bread - A01 4

Title: A Good Man

Author: Cindy Hess Kasper

Passage: Romans 3:10-18

Bible in a Year: Numbers 26-27; Mark 8:1-21

Verse: Salvation is God’s gift. It is not based on anything you have done. Ephesians 2:8

Thought: We are saved by God’s work

Paragraph 1: My friend Jerry was a good man. When he died the past said Jerry loved his family. Jerry’s wife trusted him Jerry served his country in the military. Jerry was a good dad and grandfather. Jerry was a great friend. Jerry was a good man.

Paragraph 2: The pastor said Jerry’s good things do not get him to heaven. The Bible says no one is perfect. The good things Jerry did are not good enough. Jerry knew that when you sin, the cost is death and hell. His final place after death was not from a good life. Jerry knew he needed Jesus. Jesus died in place of Jerry. Jerry knew believing in Jesus was his way to heaven.

Paragraph 3: Every person needs God to forgive them. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. We cannot be good enough. We need faith in Jesus. Heaven is God’s figt. It is not based on anything we do. His gift is wonderful.

Step 1: Read
  • PURPOSE: to get the big picture of the chapter
  • Read the assigned text in its entirety. Carefully absorb and consider what is being said to understand the full content of the passage.
  • Pause, reflect, and re-read as necessary.
  • Take 7-8 minutes for this step.
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  • PURPOSE: to get the big picture of the chapter
  • Read the assigned text in its entirety. Carefully absorb and consider what is being said to understand the full content of the passage.
  • Pause, reflect, and re-read as necessary.
  • Take 7-8 minutes for this step.