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Demo (L3 Check)
Step 2: Peer Review

Papuan Malay - Unlocked Literal Bible - New Testament - 2 Timothy 2:1-26

1 You therefore, my child, be strengthened in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

2 The things you heard from me among many witnesses, entrust them to faithful people who will be able to teach others also.

1 Jadi begitu, anakku kuat sudah dengan anugerah di dalam Kristus Yesus.

2 Dan banyak hal yang ko dengar dari sa deng saksi yang banyak itu, beri percaya itu sama orang-orang yang setia, supaya dong dapat mengajar dong yang lain juga.

A note from level 3 peer checker
Mark P. - L3: A note from level 3 checker
Marge S. - L2: A note from level 2 checker
George D. - L1: A note from translator

3 Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

4 No soldier serves while entangled in the affairs of this life, so that he may please his superior officer.

5 Also, if someone competes as an athlete, he is not crowned unless he competes by the rules.

3 Mari, tong sama sa dalam penderitaan jadi prajurit Kristus Yesus yang baik.

4 Trada satu orang tentara yang kerja sambil sibuk dengan de pu urusan hidup supaya de bisa buat de pu komandan senang.

5 Begitu juga dengan atlit , tra akan terima mahkota kalo tra ikut aturan dalam lomba.

6 It is necessary that the hardworking farmer receive his share of the crops first.

7 Think about what I am saying, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.

6 Petani dong yang kerja keras akan terima hasil yang pertama,

7 Ingat apa yang sa bilang, karena Tuhan akan kasi ko pengertian untuk mengerti semua ini,

8 Remember Jesus Christ, from David's seed, who was raised from the dead. This is according to my gospel message,

9 for which I am suffering to the point of being bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound.

10 Therefore I endure all things for those who are chosen, so that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.

8 Ingat: Yesus Kristus, keturunan Daud, su bangkit dari kematian. ini su sesuai dengan pesan Injil yang sa percaya.

9 Sampe pada titik penderitaan karna diikat rantai seperti kriminal. tapi firman Allah tra diikat deng rantai.

10 Jadi sa bertahan untuk orang-orang yang Tuhan pilih, supaya dong dapat keselamatan yang kekal dalam Kristus Yesus, deng kemuliaan yang abadi..

11 This is a trustworthy saying: "If we have died with him, we will also live with him.

12 If we endure, we will also reign with him. If we deny him, he also will deny us.

13 if we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny himself."

11 Apa yang sa bilang ini, bisa dipercaya: kalo tong mau mati untuk Dia, torang juga akan hidup bersama deng Dia.

12 Apalagi kalo tong bertahan, tong juga akan ditinggikan deng Dia. Klo tong menyangkal Dia, Dia juga akan menyangkal ketong,

13 Klo tong tra setia, De tetap setia karena De tra bisa menyangkal diri.

14 Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.

15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no reason to be ashamed, who accurately teaches the word of truth.

14 Selalu kasi ingat dong di hadapan Allah, supaya dong jangan berdebat tentang Firman karena itu akan bikin kacau orang yang dengar,

15 Lakukan yang paling baik itu adalah persembahan yang Tuhan terima, jadi pekerja trada alasan untuk dapat kasi malu, yang ajar kebeneran Firman dengan pas.

16 Avoid profane talk, which leads to more and more godlessness.

17 Their talk will spread like cancer. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus,

18 who have gone astray from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already happened, and they destroy the faith of some.

16 Hindari omong kosong dan tra bersih yang nanti jadi tra baik.

17 Perkataan dong akan menyebar seperti kangker. Diantara dong itu ada Himeneus dan Filetus.

18 Dong adalah orang-orang yang sudah tidak benar. dong katakan kebangkitan sudah terjadi, dong putar balik iman dari berapa orang tu.

19 However, the firm foundation of God stands. It has this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his" and "Everyone who names the name of the Lord must depart from unrighteousness."

20 In a wealthy home, there are not only containers of gold and silver. There are also containers of wood and clay. Some of these are for honorable use, and some for dishonorable.

21 If someone cleans himself from dishonorable use, he is an honorable container. He is set apart, useful to the Master, and prepared for every good work.

19 Biar begitu, Allah pu fondasi kuat tetap berdiri. ada piagam dengan tulisan yang bilang" Tuhan kenal dong Dia pu milik." . dan orang yang percaya Tuhan harus kasi tinggal yang tra benar.

20 Dalam rumah kaya bukan saja ada emas dan perak tapi juga ada kotak-kotak kayu sama tanah liat. barang itu di pake untuk hal-hal yang terhormat, dan ada juga untuk hal-hal tra terhormat.

21 Jika satu orang kasi bersih de pu diri dari yang tra terhormat, de itu bejana yang terhormat. de dipilih , dipake untuk tuannya, dan de disiapkan untuk semua perbuatan yang baik.

22 Flee youthful lusts. Pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord out of a clean heart.

23 But refuse foolish and ignorant questions. You know that they give birth to arguments.

22 Jauhi sudah dari nafsu anak-anak muda, kejar itu kebenaran, iman, kasih, dan damai, sama-sama deng dong yang panggil Tuhan dengan hati yang bersih.

23 Tapi tolak sudah pertanyaan-pertanyaan bodok. Kam tahu itu semua nanti jadi sebab baku tengkar.

24 The Lord's servant must not quarrel. Instead he must be gentle toward all, able to teach, and patient.

25 He must in meekness educate those who oppose him. God may perhaps give them repentance for the knowledge of the truth.

26 They may become sober again and leave the devil's trap, after they have been captured by him for his will.

24 Orang yang melayani Tuhan tra boleh bertengkar tapi harus lemah lembut pada semua dong, Dong harus pintar mengajar, sabar

25 de kasi ajaran deng lemah lembut sama dong yang melawan dia. mungkin Allah kasi kesempatan untuk dong bertobat pada pengetahuan akan kebenaran.

26 mungkin dong sadar kembali dan kasi tinggal jerat iblis setelah selama ini dong ditawan untuk ikut perintahnya.

Step 2
Step 2: Peer Review
  • PURPOSE: to check the target text for accuracy while maintaining the naturalness of the language and ensuring accurate and literal common language terms for "Father" and "Son" are used when referring to God the Father and Jesus Christ.
  • To begin this step, contact your peer-checker from step 1 via Skype, Messenger, WhatsApp, phone, etc.
  • Together you will discuss changes you noted in step 1 you thought should be made to target text.
  • You can review your peer’s notes and all other notes from previous translators/checkers by clicking the notes icon ().
  • Discuss the accuracy of the translation.
  • Discuss any errors in spelling, punctuation, and flow/naturalness.
  • Your peer will make changes to the target text as you discuss the changes that should be made. You can see all changes by clicking "refresh" in your browser. If you disagree on a change consult your facilitator or language leader.
  • The following resources can be used.
    1. Translation Notes in the sidebar. To access the notes, click the tN icon.
    2. Translation Words in the sidebar. To access the words, click the tW icon.
    3. Translation Questions in the sidebar. To access the questions, click the tQ icon.
    4. Any other resources you choose.
  • Footnotes added to the translation are inserted in blue highlighting.
    1. Footnotes are marked with the tags: "\f", "\ft" and "\fqa."
    2. "\f" tags the beginning and end of all footnotes.
    3. "\f + \ft" tags the beginning of a standard footnote.
    4. "\fqa" tags the start of a footnote indicating an alternate translation of scripture.
    5. Check to see if the footnote is relevant and correct.
  • Do not complete this step until all changes are made and disagreements are resolved!
  • When all changes have been noted, click "Yes, I did" and "Next Step" and contact your peer-checker to start the 2nd step.
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Your checker: Mark P.

Peer Review

  • PURPOSE: to check the target text for accuracy while maintaining the naturalness of the language and ensuring accurate and literal common language terms for "Father" and "Son" are used when referring to God the Father and Jesus Christ.
  • To begin this step, contact your peer-checker from step 1 via Skype, Messenger, WhatsApp, phone, etc.
  • Together you will discuss changes you noted in step 1 you thought should be made to target text.
  • You can review your peer’s notes and all other notes from previous translators/checkers by clicking the notes icon ().
  • Discuss the accuracy of the translation.
  • Discuss any errors in spelling, punctuation, and flow/naturalness.
  • Your peer will make changes to the target text as you discuss the changes that should be made. You can see all changes by clicking "refresh" in your browser. If you disagree on a change consult your facilitator or language leader.
  • The following resources can be used.
    1. Translation Notes in the sidebar. To access the notes, click the tN icon.
    2. Translation Words in the sidebar. To access the words, click the tW icon.
    3. Translation Questions in the sidebar. To access the questions, click the tQ icon.
    4. Any other resources you choose.
  • Footnotes added to the translation are inserted in blue highlighting.
    1. Footnotes are marked with the tags: "\f", "\ft" and "\fqa."
    2. "\f" tags the beginning and end of all footnotes.
    3. "\f + \ft" tags the beginning of a standard footnote.
    4. "\fqa" tags the start of a footnote indicating an alternate translation of scripture.
    5. Check to see if the footnote is relevant and correct.
  • Do not complete this step until all changes are made and disagreements are resolved!
  • When all changes have been noted, click "Yes, I did" and "Next Step" and contact your peer-checker to start the 2nd step.

Translation Notes

Translation Questions

Translation Words


1. Accessible
1. Created in necessary formats.
1. Is it created in necessary formats?
2. Easily reproduced and distributed.
1. Is it easily reproduced?
2. Is it easily distributed?
3. Appropriate font, size and layout.
1. Is it in the appropriate font, size and layout?
4. Editable.
1. Is it editable?
2. Faithful
1. Reflects Original Text.
1. Does in reflect original text?
2. True to Greek and Hebrew.
1. Is it true to Greek and Hebrew?
3. Does not have additions or deletions.
1. Does it have additions or deletions?
4. Names of God retained.
1. Are the names of God retained?
5. Accurate key terms/key words.
1. Are key terms/words accurate?
3. Culturally Relevant
1. Idioms are understandable
1. Are idioms understandable?
2. Words and expressions appropriate for local culture.
1. Are words and expressions appropriate for local culture?
3. Reflects original language artistry.
1. Does it reflect original language artistry?
4. Captures literary genres.
1. Are literary genres captured accurately?
4. Clear
1. Meaning is clear.
1. Is the meaning clear?
2. Uses common language.
1. Does it use common language?
3. Easily understood by wide audience.
1. Is it easily understood by a wide audience?
5. Proper Grammar
1. Follows grammar norms.
1. Does it follow grammar norms?
2. Correct punctuation.
1. Is correct punctuation used?
6. Consistent
1. Translation reflects contextual meaning.
1. Does the translation reflect contextual meaning?
2. Does not contradict itself.
1. Does the text contradict itself?
3. Writing style consistent.
1. Is the writing style consistent?
7. Historically Accurate
1. All names, dates, places, events are accurately represented.
1. Are all names accurately represented?
2. Are all dates accurately represented?
3. Are all places accurately represented?
4. Are all events accurately represented?
8. Natural
1. Translation uses common and natural language.
1. Does the translation use common and natural language?
2. Pleasant to read/listen to.
1. It is pleasant to read/listen to?
3. Easy to read.
1. Is it easy to read?
9. Objective
1. Translation does not explain or commentate.
1. Does the translation explain or commentate?
2. Translation is free of political, social, denominational bias.
1. Is translation is free of political bias?
2. Is translation is free of social bias?
3. Is translation is free of denominational bias?
10. Widely Accepted
1. Translation is widely accepted by local church.
1. Is translation widely accepted by the local church?